Rottweiler Breeder - Rottweiler Puppies - Rottweiler Stud Dog - Esmond Rottweilers | Mike Jackman & Ann Felske Jackman | Ontario Canada

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See My Littermates



Esmonds Ubiquitous RE, TT, CGC
OFA Elbows, OFA Cardiac, CERF


Tesla is our adorable "Pink" puppy from the Gabe/Iza litter.
She is owned and loved by Ema Tanigaki & John Healey of New Mexico.


Tesla is growing into a very lovely little girl!




Tesla and Violet during John and Ema's recent trip to Bobcaygeon.


Tesla and a friend!


Tesla growing up and practing her stacking.


And learning her agility obstacles.
Ema has hopes of doing lots of fun things with Tesla!


Pretty Baby Tesla!


Tesla and Ema the day they went home.


Click HERE to see Tesla and her littermates growing up.