Rottweiler Breeder - Rottweiler Puppies - Rottweiler Stud Dog - Esmond Rottweilers | Mike Jackman & Ann Felske Jackman | Ontario Canada

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Esmonds 5 Minute Major Vanstone
OFA Cardiac-ECHO

Major is the very lucky "Hockey" puppy who was chosen to live with Mommy Caygeon
and Chris, Bev, Connor and Becca Vanstone of Ontario!

Here's how Major came to be:

Chris approached me at a dog show with 2 year old Connor and 1 year old Becca in tow.
For obvious reasons, we suggested they wait awhile for their first Rottweiler!!!

After about two years of waiting, visiting and keeping in touch, Chris finally got his puppy... but NOT the big male he was hoping for.
Instead, the Vanstones went home with tiny baby Caygeon, placed as a pet...the perfect "starter dog".
Chris, however, seems to be VERY lucky and Caygeon grew up to be one of the nicest girls we've produced.


Fast forward a few more years and Caygeon has decided she is most definitely Bev's dog and poor Chris is STILL hoping for his boy!
Thankfully, Bev and the kids were agreeable to letting us breed Caygeon and the rest is history....

Chris FINALLY has his boy!

Though he does have to share Major
with the rest of the family sometimes!

Thank you to the Vanstones for also allowing us to co-own this wonderful boy!

Major really likes kids, which is part of the reason we chose him.
He is shown, above, with Jaiden, owner of half-brother, Blaze.


Green Boy

Click HERE to see Major and his littermates growing up.