Rottweiler Breeder - Rottweiler Puppies - Rottweiler Stud Dog - Esmond Rottweilers | Mike Jackman & Ann Felske Jackman | Ontario Canada

View My Pedigree

See My Littermates



Esmonds Moment of Truth RN, AXP, AJP


Kelsier was the happy and outgoing brown boy from the 2010 Tie/Nevar litter.
We all fell in love with this boy from the start!  He was sweet, loving and oh so cute!

Kelsier is owned by Cee and Ernie Fender of Virginia and co-owned by Ann.


Kelsier is the first in his litter to earn a back-end title, and at a very young age!


A special thank you to Dawn Neff for the photos above!


Click HERE to see Kelsier and his littermates growing up.