Rottweiler Breeder - Rottweiler Puppies - Rottweiler Stud Dog - Esmond Rottweilers | Mike Jackman & Ann Felske Jackman | Ontario Canada

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Esmonds Let It Be


Bones is the fun-loving Navy Boy from the Albert and Simone litter.
He is owned and loved by Vicki Dunn, James Alexander and Jaiden & Zachary of Quebec.


Bones is maturing in a very handsome boy.  He favorite thing is to go camping with his family.


Bones was raised by Blaze, from our Nevar/Caygeon Litter.


More camping fun!


Bones is lucky to have two boys to call his own... Jaiden and Zachary.
As you can see, he's very attached to the boys and thinks that they need his help with everything they do!


Itty Bitty Baby Bones...

Click HERE to see Bones and his littermates growing up.